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CIBIS achieves ISO 27001 Certification enhancing our commitment to data security


We have been assessed as conforming to the requirements for the “supply, support and hosting of software applications for corporate, state and federal government clients.” 

It’s a far cry from a simple tick and flick. It requires us to formally review and amend our policies, procedures, and operations such that we comply with international best practice and that standard.

CIBIS’ General Manager, Tony Heitmeyer said “Even though it’s been costly to implement, we foresee the failure of businesses to take cyber threats seriously will likely be costly and painful and we’ve adopted a proactive stance.” 

The Australian Signals Directorate’s ACSC is encouraging all Australian businesses to 'be cyber wise, and don’t compromise’ as the increase in the number and severity of cyber threats facing Australian businesses continues to grow.

Mr Heitmeyer said, “It’s a good time to re-think decisions with regards to software choices, support companies, platforms, where things are hosted, routine patching, staff training and your legal obligations to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your clients.” It is part of good governance, and that should be a priority for senior executives. Even 10 years ago, a global study by MIT found that companies with good governance were 20% more profitable. 

As CIBIS support clients in diverse market sectors including government, universities, local councils, health, finance and more, obtaining ISO 27001 certification demonstrates our commitment to transparency, accountability, and trustworthiness to our customers and partners.

It brings greater peace of mind, while demonstrating that our commitment to data security and ethical business practices remains unwavering.

ISO 27001 Certified

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